Thursday, December 17, 2009

Sporadic Bursts.

Its the work Chrissy party time of year again and I'm looking forward to it... Lots of Christmastime cheer and love around, partying it up like you never otherwise usually...oh well... otherwise its BAH HUMBUG and stay at Where's the fun in that? Sigh so much to do, so little time eh? I've done all my Chrissy shopping finally and theres a lot to cook on the day itself. Sigh we are doing a BBQ and I have to make the turkey, still contemplating about whether I have the time to make a pudding or a fruit cake to eat...yumyum gobblegobble... although I'm not that much of a fruit cake fan myself. Too sweet for my liking. Ah well. Oh there is shopping galore as well, the pre christmas sales are everywhere but I'm keeping the cc ready for the POST christmas sales which should be awesome... I reckon its about time for me to get a dsi since the psp has outgrown its usefulness. Anyway time for a quicky one gotta go get the stuff to make lunch - I can hear my tummy rumbling already!! :D

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