Monday, January 24, 2011

First post for 2011.

Time really does fly. It does. Its been what seems like ages since I began this blog, and its been ages since I've written a post. Seems like things have been happening but not much to remember everytime, just the important details. I didn't end up going to KL, its was expensive and I ended up with a horrible allergic reaction and rash all over my upper body, neck, arms and thighs. It has improved but I'm still on the end of predislone. Which was awesome because it completely cleared my horrible itching and rash. There are still some scarring but it will disappear and lessen with time i reckon. Prada opened in perth and therefore made me happy as I got a new baby from the store. Ah its love at first sight and small things which make you happy. I've also been babysitting muppet since the 21st December where he was picked up from boarding house. If time continues as it has, in a blink of an eye it will be time to go to the USA for our honeymoon. We have our visas, we have booked all accomodation, I will look into the prices of insurance for travel and we are still looking around for renting cars. Everything else is ready, need spending money, our bags packed and our baby jellybean in boarding house. Sigh seems like a long trip to be sending him away. I hope he will be fine. For the new years, it seems like I'm alcohol free for 2 months which seems slightly weird as playing mahjong and going to karaoke seems somewhat strange but then I'm on medication so... ah well! I have gotten new purple glasses as well which seems awesome as that seems to be my new favourite colour at the moment. Researching is awesome for a holiday and it makes you feel happy. I wish good things for the year. Starting it happy will continue on hopefully... here's to the year of the rabbit!

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