Thursday, February 10, 2011

18 hours.

Its not much, but its the most OT i've done in a fair while. I'm tired, feel lazy and don't even want to move much after slacking off on OT shifts. Usually I get to sit down, and when I don't I still feel tired, drained and lazy after the shift. Where did all the enthusiasm go from when I first started? Most people I know have become like that. Except the exceptions and they have done a lot more and closer to 50 hours. Ah. Anyway I got a platinum amex but have decided not to have it anymore as it charges huge amount of fees and especially if you use it outside Australia - so whats the point when you're about to go on holiday? Anyway... baccarat tournament was a lot more fun than I envisaged. Hopefully I get to do it again later on which would be fun! Anyway, the countdown is on and less than 4 weeks to go till USA. I will bring one luggage and buy another one there I reckon! :D Here's to great shopping and food!

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