Sunday, July 11, 2010


So I've been away for a longlong time. Since the holidays I guess there hasn't been much happening. Mum has been in hospital for her ear operation which was a success and now a month later she can travel back to the motherland. That's where she is enjoying herself for the next two weeks. I'm very jealous because I miss it. DHDs interviews have come and gone. Results are out at the end of next week which is what is happening at work. Been slightly sickish because of the stupid new plastic cups we are forced to share at work. Oh and the weather is the most horrendeous I have ever experience in my time here during winter. It gets negative ratings of excellence this 2010. Yuck yuck yuck. Everyday it rains and it pours and its dreary and the coldest I have ever experienced. Have to wear socks of all things to bed as well some nights. I wish at times like this I was in a sunny tropical country called the motherland. Ah. Oh the only interesting snippets of nightlife have been the world cup. It has come and the final is tonight. Of all the teams I picked at the start. My most disappointing one was germany not winnning. I was gutted and so have decided to also blame the all seeing german octopus paul. Stupid banana. But then I tipped germany and spain to win and one had to take the other out. Hopefully spain can lift their game tonight because I still feel they haven't really been playing at their best. holland has been awesome all tournament though. Amazing actually. Game of the tournament has to be all the amazing german goals though. Wow. Impressive considering they have such a young side. Ah. Oh well thats all for now I guess. One more update. Have found macaroons in La Gallete I think its called and am in LOVE. ah the crispy outside and the chewy inside with either cream or jammy goodness in the middle is pure and utter bliss. No other can compare.

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